by Liliana Varela | Jun 5, 2017 | Blog, Recipes
when the hot weather arrives nothing helps more our digestion than a fresh light salad. This one is not only a truly bomb of iron but a blend of flavors that dance together in the palate until last bite. I must confess that this recipe was inherited from my mother in law who cooks amazing -just not as healthy as I would like- so I made a little exclusion (bacon!!!!!) a small substitution and voilá! the outcome is still a delicious, crunchy, fresh and no brainer salas that everyone will love. Top of the day? it´s all raw and you can have it ready in less than 8 minutes! you will need: SALAD: 1 bag (aprox 4 cups) of baby spinach leaves already washed and drained. 2 cups of sliced white mushrooms 1 cup of raw pecan halves (lightly chopped) DRESSING: 1 small red onion finely chopped in a processor or blender 1/2 cup extra virgen olive oil 1 tsp kosher salt 4 tbsp brown sugar (1 tbsp of brown sugar and 1 tbsp stevia extract will make a perfect substitute if you have sugar issues or you are counting calories) 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar 1 tsp fresh ground black pepper HOW TO: mix all dressing ingredients in a glass jar, secure lid and shake it until well blended (if you make this in advance it will get smoother). but….. if you are like me, always preparing last minute meals, then put all ingredients but the vinegar in the blender (yes even the onion cut in two halves), blend for 1 minute and add the vinegar, mix well -do not blend or...
by admin | Nov 30, 2016 | Recipes
Now making healthy wheat free, protein loaded, cholesterol free and sugarless cookies is easy and quick! They are delicious, very full filling and high in protein and fiber from natural and vegetal sources as well as low sodium and low carb. You only need few ingredients to add because the mix has it all! And even the dark chocolate chips are semi sweet, so the sugar content is to low that they are super healthy and the perfect mid-mo…rning or mid afternoon snack. Bake them at home or just buy them freshly baked at our stores. Kids love them too, so they make a perfect and healthy any day lunchbox with a cup of any milk! But if you ask me how I prefer them? With my almond milk expresso machiatto! #Aruba #NutsNuts #HealthyFood Paseo Herencia #Natural #Cookies #HealthyStores #OneHappyIsland #Snack #Delicious...
by admin | Nov 28, 2016 | Recipes
Now making healthy wheat free, protein loaded, cholesterol free and sugarless cookies is easy and quick! They are delicious, very full filling and high in protein and fiber from natural and vegetal sources as well as low sodium and low carb. You only need few ingredients to add because the mix has it all! And even the dark chocolate chips are semi sweet, so the sugar content is to low that they are super healthy and the perfect mid-morni…ng or mid afternoon snack. Bake them at home or just buy them freshly baked at our stores. Kids love them too, so they make a perfect and healthy any day lunchbox with a cup of any milk! But if you ask me how I prefer them? With my almond milk expresso machiatto! #Aruba #HealthyFood #Cookies #HealthyStore #Oranjestad #OneHappyIsland #Snack #DelicIous...
by admin | Aug 19, 2016 | Recipes
100% Organic and natural, with no artificial colorants or flavors, no preservatives, made from organic dried spices and vegetables is non GMO and low sodium! Prepare as easy as 1-2-3 a complete natural vegan vegetable broth, you only need hot boiling water to enjoy a cup of broth or use it as base broth for any soup, risotto, rice or quinoa recipes, sauces, the possibilities are endless. Even when you are sick and your body ask just for a cup of hot broth! To prepare it you only need 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of water. Just heat water to boil, when boiling add the vegetable broth powder, reduce heat and let it simmer for 1 or 2 minutes. Or just add boiling water to a cup with 1 tsp of vegetable broth and stir well. #Aruba #NutsNuts #HealthyFoodStores #Natural #VegetableBroth#Organic #Healthy #Oranjestad #PaseoHerencia #HealthyStore #Vegan#HealthyFood #Soup...
by admin | Aug 19, 2016 | Recipes
NOW YOU CAN ENJOY OUR DELICIOUS BROWNIES AT HOME USING OUR GLUTEN FREE, SUGARLESS, LOW CARB BROWNIE CAKE MIX We love to see you at our stores, but we also know you want to have more brownies that the one you eat when you come for a treat. This delicious Brownie treat makes a perfect dessert, snack or party addition, so prepare a complete batch of 12 or even more in less than 30 minutes! How? YOU WILL NEED: 1 package of Nuts Nuts BROWNIE CAKE mix ¼ cup Nuts Nuts natural Almond Butter 2 tbsp Coconut Oil melted and cooled to room temp 1 cup natural almond milk (you can use skim milk, low fat milk or any other milk alternative you prefer) 3 eggs or 3 tbsp egg replacer already prepared. Feel free to add walnuts, almonds, more chocolate chips and any other fruit you want! This treat is not only healthy and fit but diabetic and celiac friendly! #Aruba#NutsNuts#Healthy#Brownie#Cake#Tasty#HealthyStores...
by admin | Apr 23, 2015 | Recipes
Pancakes for dinner? Yes Please! With our Protein Pancake Mix pancakes are for any time of the day even dinner! No wheat, just oat, almond, seeds and protein makes our pancake mix the best and 100% natural prepared with top quality organic ingredients! and kids love them. Recipes 1 Cup of Protein Oat Pancake Mix 1 Cup de water or almond milk or skim milk or any milk alternative 1 Egg Prepare Heat skillet over medium-low heat, Combine all ingredients and stir until large lumps disappear. Let it stand 1 - 2 minutes to thicken. Pour onto skillet and turn when pancakes bubble and bottoms are golden brown. One serving equals to 3 or 4 pancakes and can be eaten for breakfast or even dinner due to its low carb and sugar content. Try it with our Natural Sugarless maple syrup. Panquecas para cenar? Pues SI! Con nuestra mezcla para panquecas low carb a base de almendra avena y prpteina puedes comer panquecas a cualquier hora incluso para cenar! Y los niños las...