Now making healthy wheat free, protein loaded, cholesterol free and sugarless cookies is easy and quick! They are delicious, very full filling and high in protein and fiber from natural and vegetal sources as well as low sodium and low carb. You only need few ingredients to add because the mix has it all! And even the dark chocolate chips are semi sweet, so the sugar content is to low that they are super healthy and the perfect mid-mo…rning or mid afternoon snack. Bake them at home or just buy them freshly baked at our stores. Kids love them too, so they make a perfect and healthy any day lunchbox with a cup of any milk!
But if you ask me how I prefer them? With my almond milk expresso machiatto!
#Aruba #NutsNuts #HealthyFood Paseo Herencia #Natural #Cookies #HealthyStores #OneHappyIsland #Snack #Delicious