Protein Pancake for Dinner

Pancakes for dinner? Yes Please!

With our Protein Pancake Mix pancakes are for any time of the day even dinner! No wheat, just oat, almond, seeds and protein makes our pancake mix the best and 100% natural prepared with top quality organic ingredients! and kids love them.


1 Cup of Protein Oat Pancake Mix
1 Cup de water or almond milk or skim milk or any milk alternative
1 Egg


Heat skillet over medium-low heat, Combine all ingredients and stir until large lumps disappear. Let it stand 1 - 2 minutes to thicken. Pour onto skillet and turn when pancakes bubble and bottoms are golden brown.

One serving equals to 3 or 4 pancakes and can be eaten for breakfast or even dinner due to its low carb and sugar content. Try it with our Natural Sugarless maple syrup.

Panquecas para cenar? Pues SI!

Con nuestra mezcla para panquecas low carb a base de almendra avena y prpteina puedes comer panquecas a cualquier hora incluso para cenar! Y los niños las aman!

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