Since I was a Child I was taught not to throw any leftovers, and I can tell now a days that this lesson has been and important part of my adult life. not only neither I nor my husband or my children throw any food that is left from any meal, but we also have become expert in create recipes and redefine dishes from leftovers.
my middle son had his first communion last week, and I had plenty of food left (whoever knows me can tell I love cooking so much but I kind of lack good calculation eye!), so I had quinoa caprese salad which I decided to freeze after the party.
today we wanted to eat quinoa and I remembered the aprese I had frozen and this delicious Quinoa Latkes is what came out at the end. of course you might not have aprese quinoa prepared so I will write the recipe as if were done from scratch, so if you just have any quinoa leftovers or decide to cook some for this recipe, It will do also!
These little pancakes are a great way to use leftover quinoa. They are full of fiber and protein and are really delicious with breakfast or dinner. They are best fresh, but do reheat well enough in a toaster oven.