Thank you Ank-herstel…

Thank you Ank-herstel…
Thank you Ank-herstel for your wonderfull description about our store and products in your terrific article about Aruba Welllness Month and the places to visit. We are pleased to have met you and had the oportunity to share with you! And thank you @dushijas for your love and support! Your assistant😜Below and extract and translation of part of the article and for those that want to read it all (it is worth it!) here is the link

Also published here
And tomorrow will be published here

Na de tai chi les kwamen Liliana De Marques en Maria Pucci van ‘Nuts’ naar het strand om een tafel vol met gezonde superfoods neer te zetten. Zelfgebakken pannenkoeken, waar geen suiker of verkeerde vezel in zat, wraps gevuld met quinoa, zwarte bonen en spinazie en smoothies in alle kleuren van de regenboog, zorgden voor een snelle en gezonde aanvulling van de gebruikte energie. In de Engelandstraat nr 2 in Oranjestad is de winkel Nuts te vinden. Hier vind je een ongekende keuze aan gezonde superfoods, noten, kokosproducten en zaden.

Nuts Nuts

After the tai chi lesson came Liliana De Marques and Maria Pucci ‘Nuts’ to the beach to put down a table full of healthy superfoods. Homemade pancakes, with no sugar or wrong grain in it, wraps stuffed with quinoa, black beans and spinach and smoothies in all colors of the rainbow, made for a quick and healthy addition to the energy used. In England Street No. 2 in Oranjestad is finding the shop Nuts. Find an unprecedented choice of healthy superfoods, nuts, coconut products and seeds.

#wellness #nutsnutsaruba #healthy #natural#ecofriendly #exclusivecaterings #nopreservants#gourmet


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