Facts about Grains & Cereals

Cereals are very nutritious, healthy and loved by all ages. They can be eaten raw or cooked, depending on tastes and they are found whole or rolled and they are good as hot or cold meals, and also a hearty addition to breads, pancakes, brownies, cakes and muffins. Grains have become popular lately not only because they are super nutritious, but because they are super delicious, too. They’re not difficult to cook — if you can cook rice, you can cook grains — but they can be...

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Facts about Seeds

Storage In general, seeds keep much longer than most nuts in their original state. Once ground, however, seeds go rancid very quickly. Flax seeds are a good example: After grinding, they should be refrigerated immediately and used within 3 or 4 days. Did you know? Nature’s protective coating on hard-shelled seeds, such as flax seeds, prevents the body from absorbing nutrients. To get maximum nutrition, grind them into a powder with a coffee grinder or seed mill before...

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Facts about Nuts

Nuts are a delicious and healthful snack, offering a significant amount of healthful fats, vitamin E and fiber in every serving. They’re also delicious in salads, stir-fries, in baked goods (whole or ground into flour), tossed with pasta, and made into pesto. Storing Nuts Because of their high fat content, nuts can become rancid quickly if exposed to heat, light or humidity during storage. Raw, unshelled nuts will keep from 6 months to a year in a cool, dry place....

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Why shop in bulk?

Advantages of Bulk You can buy as much or as little as you need, so you can experiment with new products without fear of commitment kicking in. Just keep your fingers out of the bins! Why shop in bulk? Bins are replenished often, so ingredients are super fresh You can buy as much or as little as you need, so you can experiment with new products without getting stuck with something you don’t like There’s much less wasteful packaging The products are dispensed...

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Top 10 Health Benefits of Peanuts

Helps Promote Fertility (Folate) Peanuts contain a good amount of folate. Repeated studies have shown that women who had a daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid before and during early pregnancy reduced their risk of having a baby born with a serious neural tube defect by up to 70%. Aids in Blood Sugar Regulation (Manganese) One fourth cup of peanuts can supply the body with 35% of the DV of manganese, a mineral which plays a role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism,...

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