How to buy @ Nuts Nuts?

  1. Select a Grab-and-Go bag
  2. Place the open bag under the container drop section or next to the scoop bin
  3. Serve only the amount desired! Serve once, twice or more times, until you reach the correct amount. Between servings you can weight your bag on the hanging scale and keep on filling it
  4. Close the bag with a twist tie and the cashier will weight and price your purchase
  5. Take and Enjoy!

Wanna Taste?

If you want to try any product prior to filling, just take some from the taster plates or ask the attendant for help.

Mix & Match

Ask us for help or if you want to mix different products be aware we’ll priced the most expensive product in the bag. Also, remember you can take as many Grab-and-Go Bags as you desired and mix at home.

Please never introduce your hands into the containers and never touch any product until you have purchased it.
Remember, if you do so, you must purchase the entire bin.