Facts about Grains & Cereals

Cereals are very nutritious, healthy and loved by all ages. They can be eaten raw or cooked, depending on tastes and they are found whole or rolled and they are good as hot or cold meals, and also a hearty addition to breads, pancakes, brownies, cakes and muffins.

Grains have become popular lately not only because they are super nutritious, but because they are super delicious, too. They’re not difficult to cook — if you can cook rice, you can cook grains — but they can be unpredictable, with cooking times that can vary widely. The timing can depend on age, which is why it’s so smart to buy grains in bulk — the high turnover in our bins means the grains are generally fresher.

Cereals are an excellent source of minerals, vitamins and calcium, and they are the best day breaker ever, when mixed with dried fruits and even nuts they become the best breakfast for everyone. At our store you can try one of our freshly packed mixes or just create your own.

Storing Grains & Cereals

Grains stored in airtight containers away from light, heat and moisture should keep a few months. The oils in some whole grains may turn rancid over time, so be sure to smell before using. If they smell musty or off, they may be past their prime.

Rinse grains thoroughly under cold running water until the water runs clear. Soaking is optional, but it is recommended for hard grains like spelt and wheat berries — they will cook up quicker and maintain the integrity.