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Nuts - Gift Baskets
Currently viewing items 11 - 17 of 17 Sort by: Price | Product Title | Description

Product: Christian Gift Basket
Category: Nuts - Gift Baskets
Price: $49.63
A great gift for a pastor, confirmand or church associate. Includes a deluxe leather bound flex bible with both New and Old Testaments. Includes a compact disc guided meditation with music of the Christ Meditation from Meditations for Life and a CD of Classic Piano Hymns for relaxation and prayer background music. Also includes a CD of soothing ocean wave sounds from Natures Music. Add to this a pack of Premium Mixed Nuts and a pack of Honey Roasted Peanuts. Displayed in a beautiful gift basket.....

Product: Nut Lovers Delight Gift Basket, Large 55.94
Category: Nuts - Gift Baskets
Price: $55.94
Nut Lovers Delight Gift Basket, Large. Salted In-Shell / Fresh Roasted / Cajun In-Shell / Spanish / Butter Toasted / Salted Peanuts; Mixed Nuts; Brazil Nuts; Red & Natural Pistachios; Whole Cashews; in an 8 qt. decorated basket Content Weights: 16 oz Salted in Shell Peanuts, 15 oz Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 16 oz Cajun in Shell Peanuts, 8 oz Spanish Peanuts, 7 oz Mixed Nuts, 7 oz Brazil Nuts, 7 oz Butter Toasted Peanuts, 8 oz Salted Peanuts, 8 oz Whole Cashews, 6 oz Natural Pistach.....

Product: Nature Sounds Gift Basket
Category: Nuts - Gift Baskets
Price: $59.95
A great gift for relaxation, stress reduction or for a naturalist. Choose four compact discs of nature sound recordings from Natures Music. These field recordings are pure nature sounds with no music or spoken word added. Great depth of field and stereo imaging for the most demanding audiophile. (FYI - These are not those bargain bin recordings, these are high end audiophile nature sound CD's). Add to this two candles, one pack of incense, an incense burner, a pack of Honey Roasted Cashews, a p.....

Product: Guitar Player Nut Gift Basket
Category: Nuts - Gift Baskets
Price: $59.95
A great gift for any guitar player. Includes a four CD set from Jam Track for blues, rock and country styles. Full back up band on compact disc to practice their favorite licks and riffs. Jam Track is used equally well by beginning, intermediate and advanced players. Includes a pack of gourmet Pub mix and a pack of gourmet Redskin peanuts. Also includes a fun party CD by the Southern California blues band Butter. Displayed in a beautiful gift basket with hand tied bows, filler and colorful ce.....

Product: Thanks-A-Million Gift Basket 60.74
Category: Nuts - Gift Baskets
Price: $60.74
Thanks-A-Million Gift Basket. Licorice; Oriental Rice Mix; Caramel Corn; Whole Cashews; Thanks-A-Million Pasta; Thanks-A-Million Chocolate Bars; Chocolate Coins; Salted In-Shell / Butter Toasted / Salted Peanuts; in an 8 qt. decorated basket Content Weights: 16 oz Licorice 16 oz Salted in Shell Peanuts 15 oz Butter Toasted Peanuts 15 oz Oriental Rice Mix 8 oz Caramel Corn 8 oz Salted Peanuts 8 oz Whole Cashews 6 oz Thanks-a-Million Pasta 4 Thanks-a-Million Chocolate Bars 2 Chocolate.....

Product: Taste of York Gift Basket, Large 61.94
Category: Nuts - Gift Baskets
Price: $61.94
Taste of York Gift Basket, Large. Licorice; Whole Cashews; Animal Crackers; Caramel Corn; Salted Peanuts; Oriental Rice; Wege Pretzels; Martins Chips; Mini York Peppermint Patties; Fresh Roasted & Butter Toasted Peanuts. Content Weights: 16 oz Licorice, 16 oz Whole Cashews, 15 oz Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 15 oz Butter Toasted Peanuts, 11 oz Stauffers Animal Crackers, 8 oz Caramel Corn, 8 oz Salted Peanuts, 7 oz Oriental Rice, 5 oz Wege Pretzels, 5 oz Martins Chips, 16 Mini York Pepperm.....

Product: Meditation Gift Basket
Category: Nuts - Gift Baskets
Price: $62.95
A great gift for spirtual awakening, healing and relaxation. Includes the Art of Meditation CD, an introduction to meditation from Meditations For Life. Also choose 3 additional CD titles from Meditations For Life. Add to this two candles, two packs of incense, one incense burner, a pack of Deluxe Mixed Nuts and a pack of Gourmet Cashews. Displayed in a beautiful gift basket with hand tied bows, filler and colorful cellophane wrapping. Include a card with a personal message at no extra charge......

Currently viewing items 11 - 17 of 17


Great Christimas gift idea for Mother or Father Great gift idea for Mothers Day and Fathers Day gifts
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